
Nights are more colourful in Brothels – it’s not called the red-light district for nothing

Can colours really affect our mood? A lot of people think so and not just the pricy interior decorators or the ancient mystic at the fairground looking at your personal aura.  Many respectable researchers also agree.  So, whether you’re looking to redecorate for slumbering serenity in your bedroom or seeking exciting, erotic nights in brothels, keep reading to find out more.  Yes, there really is a science behind what’s called “colour psychology”. As well as being fascinated by falling apples, Isaac Newton discovered that white light disperses into seven colours when it passes through a prism, something we all later played with as kids, or watched in rainbows. All very interesting, but what’s more interesting is that each of these colours has […]

Boom Boom Parties in Melbourne – midlife sex by the numbers

I remember the “good old days” when as a young matelot travelling to the fleshpots of the planet, the glorious world of exotic sex was just a jeepney ride away. A few San Miguels under the belt, an eager driver happy to whisk you away to the pleasures of the flesh with the mere mention of “boom boom party” as a destination. But with advancing years, not to mention common sense, such pastimes are a thing of the past. Or are they? Now I know everyone is about “surveyed-out”. What could be worse than another survey to tell us something we don’t care about, is patently obvious, or trivial in the extreme. It’s not as if the Labor Party is […]

Adult Entertainment in Melbourne – titillating or tired?

‘It’s just seedy with a lot of sleazy types hanging out in the corners in the dim lights’.  This may be the response you’ll get if you ask for someone’s perception of the adult entertainment industry in Melbourne, at least about the strip clubs, movie houses and brothels. I’d be the first to agree this stereotype still exists in some of these venues, but it’s one the adult entertainment industry in Melbourne is working hard to dispel. The first point to make is that “Adult Entertainment” is a politically correct term for a wide-ranging industry encompassing strip-clubs and karaoke bars, brothels, shops selling toys, pornography, some movie theatres, men’s magazines and many others, both legal and illegal, particularly as related to […]

Men’s Dilemma – I don’t wanna cheat

One of the biggest mysteries in the world of relationships is why do us men in serious and committed relationships stray when we can get sex right there in our own backyard.  For those who are fascinated by this seemingly self-destructive behaviour, we could study the work of psychiatrists like Sigmund Freud, who thought it was a symptom of what he called the “Madonna/whore syndrome”. Freud was the pioneer of psychoanalysis and a man driven by theories of unconscious childhood urges lurking just beneath our veneer of social morality. He proposed the answer lay in the way men divided women into two types: the wives and mothers of our children (picture-perfect angels of purity), and the raw, lust-filled prostitutes who were […]

How to get the best brothel experience in Melbourne

One thing I realised early-on in my brothel visiting days is that all brothels are not equal. Far from it. I expect most people can remember their first visit to a brothel, and the idea that some may be less equal than others isn’t what’s front and centre in your mind at the time. That first time can be nerve-wracking. I recall forgetting my earlier dreamy thoughts of having the best brothel experience in Melbourne that my mate promised me at this place; the first time it was all just a bit other-worldly and intimidating. But, having garnered a bit of courage, I rang the doorbell – that point of no return. The door opened and suddenly I felt scared […]

Brothels and Hook-ups in the #MeToo age

Let’s declare our unqualified support for sex between consenting adults.  One of life’s truly mind-altering experiences.  Ah, ‘me too’ please.  And it’s free!  But I hear you say, that’s not what they told me down at the Cherry Tree Garden brothel last night… When you visit a brothel it’s free in one important way – free of hang-ups and worries from an embarrassing phone call the next day about that promise you made, or those three little words you unintentionally uttered in the throes of passion to that girl from the office, or the one from the bar you found yourself in.  And, importantly, those issues of “consent” are unlikely to be challenged. Potentially, a high price elsewhere. As many […]

What’s the big deal about a porn star experience (PSE)?

The porn star experience, or PSE, is a service offered by sex workers in brothels or by escorts, which implies they’ll perform the kinds of sex acts seen in porn movies. The porn-star experience usually means more sexually extreme acts are on the menu – I don’t know about you, but some of those heading towards the extreme end would have me eating in different restaurants. I’m admittedly a little old-fashioned, but I prefer my paid-for sex with a touch of feigned intimacy as a minimum. For me, the pornstar experience has absolutely nothing to do with romance, companionship or your feelings, faked or otherwise.  So, you might reasonably ask, who needs or wants their sex served up this PSE […]


When we think about the brothels in Melbourne many things probably come into our mind: Great places for sex without the hang-ups doubtless near the top of the list, along with living out the odd fantasy, among a host of others. And who can dispute how nice it feels revelling in the idea that the girl is one doing the seducing after, like me, trawling the bars, clubs and yes, even supermarkets for years with pick-up lines that sounded banal, even to my ears! The Melbourne brothels are like heaven on earth for us guys who lived through the pre-social media dating misery. Even in the current social-media dating app world with its nightmarish ability to transform a Victoria’s Secret […]

Reports of Rape Linked to Online Dating Rise 450% in Five Years

In Melbourne recently, a horrific incident followed an online dating app meeting, and a young man lost his life.  A young woman was arrested and is expected to be charged with murder (The AGE July 25, 2018). Reports of online dating-related rape have risen by more than 450% the National Crime Agency announced recently, warning that the surge in online dating had given rise to a “new kind of sexual offender.” The number of reports of people raped during their first face-to-face meeting following initial contact online showed an almost sixfold increase.  It said 85% of those reporting rapes were women and 15% were men, most occurred on the first face-to-face meeting following online contact. Given these alarming, even frightening statistics, (and evidence that as […]


LEGAL BROTHELS VERSUS DATING APPS: has sex changed for the better or worse? Uber has done it to the taxi industry, Airbnb has done to it hotels – now there are rumbles that dating apps are destroying the legal brothel industry.  Social networking apps like Tinder and Grindr have introduced society to casual sex, making it convenient and easy to find like-minded people for sex just by using your fingertips. No need to try those eye-rolling pickup lines or to get into a slurry, alcohol-filled daze to front up to that stunning girl at the bar. So, have dating apps really helped or hindered our sex lives, or created other unintended consequences for society? Everyone seems to have an opinion […]

Maribyrnong Brothels and Footscray Brothels

Is there great sex in the Maribyrnong Brothels and Footscray Brothels? Sex work has been legal in Victoria from around 1974 and since then legal brothels in Melbourne have achieved an enviable reputation for catering to a very wide range of tastes and a much-deserved reputation for class and style. There are around 90 such licenced brothels in Melbourne, spread from Dandenong to Essendon to Geelong competing for business against the advances of illegal brothels, dating apps and social media hook-ups for the attention of their customers.  None more so than in the Footscray brothels and Maribyrnong brothels where euphemistically named Asian “massage parlours” pop-up like whack-a-moles apparently raising no eyebrows with law enforcement or local council. Legal brothels in […]

Legal Brothels in Melbourne

Running a Legal Brothel Melbourne is like running any business…almost Owning a legal brothel Melbourne sounds like everyone’s dream job – surrounded by beautiful, hot women and collecting money like a bandit. We investigated that reality and learned a few things. You’ve seen them as you walk down almost any high street, probably even your own shopping centre has one – a “massage” parlour that looks a little, well, seedy. The blacked-out windows, extended hours not to mention the give-away “sexy young Asian girls inside” advertisement. It’s highly likely this shop is one of the illegal brothels that infest Melbourne and seem to operate with impunity despite the “law and order” mantras trumpeted by our political leaders. There are an […]