
Maribyrnong Brothels and Footscray Brothels

Is there great sex in the Maribyrnong Brothels and Footscray Brothels? Sex work has been legal in Victoria from around 1974 and since then legal brothels in Melbourne have achieved an enviable reputation for catering to a very wide range of tastes and a much-deserved reputation for class and style. There are around 90 such licenced brothels in Melbourne, spread from Dandenong to Essendon to Geelong competing for business against the advances of illegal brothels, dating apps and social media hook-ups for the attention of their customers.  None more so than in the Footscray brothels and Maribyrnong brothels where euphemistically named Asian “massage parlours” pop-up like whack-a-moles apparently raising no eyebrows with law enforcement or local council. Legal brothels in […]

Legal Brothels in Melbourne

Running a Legal Brothel Melbourne is like running any business…almost Owning a legal brothel Melbourne sounds like everyone’s dream job – surrounded by beautiful, hot women and collecting money like a bandit. We investigated that reality and learned a few things. You’ve seen them as you walk down almost any high street, probably even your own shopping centre has one – a “massage” parlour that looks a little, well, seedy. The blacked-out windows, extended hours not to mention the give-away “sexy young Asian girls inside” advertisement. It’s highly likely this shop is one of the illegal brothels that infest Melbourne and seem to operate with impunity despite the “law and order” mantras trumpeted by our political leaders. There are an […]

Melbourne Brothels Glittering Age

Melbourne Brothels, madames and prostitutes in the glittering age of Marvellous Melbourne In the late 19th century the area bounded by Little Lonsdale, Spring, Lonsdale and Exhibition Streets in Melbourne was the home of countless brothels, opium dens and rowdy pubs. It was known as Little Lon and here prostitutes lived and worked side by side with tradespeople and merchants in a part of Melbourne’s slums separated from the affluence that was the age called “Marvellous Melbourne” around them. This area, and its residents, fascinated Victorians. It housed the poor in an era where no social security net existed. These Melbourne Brothels were the red-light district but also contained families, factories, workshops and immigrants. Its proximity to parliament, churches and […]

Western Suburbs Brothel Melbourne

Do the Western Suburbs Brothels Melbourne match up? The western suburbs are the fastest-growing residential part of Melbourne and this is likely to continue at a faster pace as it forms a key part of the city’s growth strategy.  This means the call on infrastructure and services for the rapidly increasing population is a challenge, whether that means railway stations, bus routes or, to meet the more exotic needs of residents and visitors, the western suburbs brothels and adult entertainment venues.  These also need to be first class destinations or risk becoming irrelevant in the Internet age of dating, hook-up apps and the raunchier (and desperate-sounding) ads pervading social media. Many of the western suburbs brothels are, it is sad […]

Melbournes Finest Brothel

Melbourne’s Finest Brothel – The Cherry Tree Garden A Quest for Melbourne’s Finest Brothel: is it really the holy grail? It’s commonly said that prostitution is the world’s oldest profession. Therefore, you might think selling sex has become something of an art form and the buyers a quite discriminating lot, despite the faux connoisseurs who have turned poor taste into an art form in some forums with sleazy attempts at describing sex workers in intimate detail. I tried Googling something like Melbourne’s Finest Brothel and getting the definitive answer. I thought I was living in a Dan Brown novel. So, in my own quest for perfection in this dimly lit and sweet-smelling world of seduction, I decided to make the […]

Brothels in Melbourne’s Western Suburbs

Brothels in Melbourne’s Western Suburbs seducing customers from the City and East. Contrary to the popular notion that the majority of Melburnians aspire to live and play only in the city’s leafy eastern suburbs, Melbourne’s western suburbs have great appeal to many people because it is rapidly creating a lifestyle that trumps many other considerations. Areas like Point Cook provide desirable homes, amenities and proximity to the bayside beaches, and the vitality of the Asian markets around Footscray compete with the more well-known markets of the city. The re-vitalised and gentrified dignity of Williamstown is a magnet for tourists, visitors and happy locals who all enjoy the magnificent dining, waterfront attractions and beautiful views across to the city. Williamstown’s brothels […]


THE X-RATED SEX OF “50 SHADES OF GREY” I read Fifty Shades of Grey. This is the BDSM book written by female British author “E. L. James” that became a huge bestseller, devoured by pretty much every woman on Earth except my wife (or so she claims). I think I might be the only man who read this book. I did it sneakily, hiding the cover, especially when I was on an airplane, which is a good place to read this sexual fantasy, BDSM book because you have access to a sick bag. I say this because if I were a member of the Christian right, sitting on my front porch decrying the decadent morals of working American women, what […]


When I answer my telephone, I usually get one of two questions: ‘What are the prices there?’ is by far the most common. It’s much more common than the general courtesy one which asks about how I am today. So, I suppose finding the price is much more important to many people than even good manners, so deserves some attention. Do Melbourne Brothel Prices vary much? Yes, they do. Think about buying a BMW 7 Series or a Suzuki Swift. They’ll both get you where you want to go, one with style and class with many wonderful features built in, and the other is purely functional transport – but you can buy “extras” if you want to make the trip […]

Having Safe Sex In Melbourne: risk versus reward

Having Safe Sex In Melbourne: risk versus reward Safe sex is spoken about a lot these days. We even talk about it in schools. And so we should, sexually transmitted diseases are no fun at all and in some cases, they will kill you. But there is something else few people think much about and that’s protecting yourself from on-line people who may want to intentionally cause you harm. It’s more common than you might guess. For both these reasons, keeping safe should be top of your list when you’re considering sex with anyone you don’t know, whether you’re male or female. Safe sex in Melbourne brothels. In the legal brothels in Melbourne, the women you meet are a far […]

The top brothels in Melbourne under siege: How one classic brothel in Melbourne is meeting the challenge.

The top brothels in Melbourne under siege: How one classic brothel in Melbourne is meeting the challenge. The conventional wisdom is that owning a brothel is a ‘licence to print money’. I know licence holders today who are sobbing all the way to the pub, rather than laughingly to the bank. The “oldest profession in the world” or at least the legal, safe one, is going through a period of enormous change, assailed on all sides by illegal massage parlours, online dating, internet porn, karaoke bars, fly-by-nighters in rented hotel rooms and so on. All of them operating openly, despite the sex & drug trafficking and health risks, endemic to them. You would think that the risks are well known […]

Top Brothels in Melbourne: An Expert’s Guide to Etiquette.

Top Brothels in Melbourne: An Expert’s Guide to Etiquette. Maybe you’re new to the brothels in Melbourne and a little unsure of what constitutes appropriate behaviour. Worry no more, lay back and do it for Australia with this easy guide to brothel etiquette and avoid coming across as an amateur. I’ve been having sex in the top brothels in Melbourne for a while and thought the knowledge I’ve picked up might help you when you’re standing nervously outside wondering how you might go about sleeping with a sex-worker. TREAT THE GIRLS AS YOU WOULD YOUR GIRLFRIEND (SORT OF) Personally, I treat sex workers just like they’re my girlfriends. But my relationship code is based on respect and concern for my […]

Attention Men: 2 keys to great sex in the classic brothels of Melbourne

Attention Men: 2 keys to great sex in the classic brothels of Melbourne As soon as someone mentions sex, most men think about getting her panties off and getting into the action. That’s like mentioning cricket and thinking T20. There’s a lot more to cricket than a six into the Member’s stand (though that’s pretty special, I admit). And there’s much more to sex than slipping it in. The classic brothels of Melbourne have some of the most beautiful young women you’ll ever meet. But according to the conventional wisdom, all women are very complicated emotionally, and therefore, sex with them is too. One of women’s main sexual complaints in the real world and in brothels is that men rush […]